Forum Bugs

Possible recurrence of zero-sized soft mask SVG issue. Tested in PrinceXML 12.5

I wanted to be sure to report this since I saw a bug fix for SVG masks listed in the Prince Roadmap.

A DocRaptor customer ran an issue with SVG masks in PrinceXML 12.5: `exception: software_error("eval_soft_mask_for_transparency_group: zero sized soft mask")`

I have attached the responsible HTML file with their permission.

I'm not familiar enough with this particular issue to narrow it down further, so I do apologize for that in advance.

Customer appears to have discovered a workaround, so this is not urgent, but I don't know if all resources will remain indefinitely available for testing.
  1. svg-soft-masks.html386.1 kB
Thanks for the report. I can confirm the issue was fixed in Prince 13 but not in Prince 12.x