I just discovered Prince, it is amazingly better and fast at converting webpages to PDF than any browser so far. However I have a problem with one document. I use some CSS rules to hide some content depending on the selected language (there is a French and an English block). It works well in all the browsers I have tested so far (even with Javascript disabled).
However, in Prince, the content of the English block is added after the end of the French block, adding 5 more pages to the resulting output. This is not a big deal, but it would be great if it could be fixed.
By the way, a way to specify/exclude which pages to export to PDF would be great ! Also, excluding the hidden elements from the PDF table of content would be awesome.
Problematic document is attached. You can compare the Prince PDF output with the expected output using any browser with Javascript disabled.
Thank you for your great software.
I just discovered Prince, it is amazingly better and fast at converting webpages to PDF than any browser so far. However I have a problem with one document. I use some CSS rules to hide some content depending on the selected language (there is a French and an English block). It works well in all the browsers I have tested so far (even with Javascript disabled).
However, in Prince, the content of the English block is added after the end of the French block, adding 5 more pages to the resulting output. This is not a big deal, but it would be great if it could be fixed.
By the way, a way to specify/exclude which pages to export to PDF would be great ! Also, excluding the hidden elements from the PDF table of content would be awesome.
Problematic document is attached. You can compare the Prince PDF output with the expected output using any browser with Javascript disabled.
Thank you for your great software.