February 2025
November 2022
February 2021
November 2019
June 2018
November 2016
April 2015
June 2013
June 2012
CSS3 Transforms.
JavaScript DOM improvements.
Experimental support for HTML5.
Support for CSS3 Transforms.
Support for "column-span: all".
Support for the ::first-line
Support for named spot colors (separation colors) with new @prince-color CSS rule.
Support for inter-character justification in CJK text with new prince-text-justify property.
Support for overflow content to continue across multiple pages.
Changed "page-break-after: left | right" to leave a blank page if necessary at the end of the document, to guarantee an even page count.
Extended prince-linebreak-magic property to apply to \ characters.
Renamed prince-jpeg-quality property to prince-image-magic and added snap-to-integer-coords value.
Fixed bug where background images were not appearing on tables.
Fixed bug affecting page breaking of table rows with specified height.
Fixed bug affecting table cells that span multiple columns.
Fixed bug affecting ::first-letter pseudo-element and nested spans.
Fixed bug affecting prince-column-footnote outside of multi-column layouts.
Fixed bug affecting the hyphenation of capitalised and uppercase words.
Fixed bug affecting inline-blocks longer than a page preceded by a float.
Fixed bug affecting floats and hanging text indents.
Fixed bug where the background image for the footnotes area would be swapped with the background image for the page float bottom area.
Support for more DOM properties:
- style - innerHTML - textContent - a.href - a.name - img.src - input.value - window.location.hash
Support for getElementsByClassName DOM method.
Support for URI encode/decode functions.
Added a new API for setting PDF output options.
Support for NUL characters in strings.
Added Math.seedRandom function for seeding the random number generator.
Exposed DOM prototype objects, eg. Node, Element, Attribute, etc.
Changed getElementsByTagName to return a live NodeList object.
Support for line-breaking in prince-script() generated content.
Support for evaluating script
elements when they are added to the DOM.
Support for deprecated octal character escape codes.
Bogus <!-- comments are ignored.
Changed Number.toString method to comply with spec.
Support for { as a literal pattern character in regular expressions if it does not form the beginning of a quantifier.
Changed the location.href property to use absolute paths for file:// URLs.
Fixed bug where mod operator returned undefined for non-integer values.
Fixed bug causing abort due to big integer values.
Fixed bug where "typeof foo" could return undefined instead of "undefined".
Experimental support for HTML5 with "-i html5" on command-line.
Support for the SVG clipPath element and clip-path / clip-rule CSS properties.
Support for "display: none" and "visibility: hidden" on SVG elements.
Improved scaling of SVG when the viewport height is a percentage.
Support for zero-width joiner character in Arabic text.
Support for OpenType fonts with PostScript outlines (OTF/CFF fonts) installed as system fonts on Windows.
Checks the Panose proportion value in the OS/2 table when computing font-stretch for TrueType/OpenType fonts.
Avoids using CID font encoding in PDF files unless absolutely necessary, to workaround bugs in MacOS X Preview.
Updated SSL certificate authority file.
Support for MIME type parameter values in quotes, eg. charset="UTF-8".
Fixed referer issue causing transient 400 errors for some HTTP requests.
Added Prince packages for Ubuntu 12.04.
Added Prince packages for FreeBSD 8.2.
Added Prince packages for CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
New command-line argument -l / --input-list for specifying multiple input files in another file instead of directly on the command-line.
Fixed bug where # characters in filenames on the command-line were treated as fragment identifiers.
Fixed bug affecting Unicode filenames and command-line arguments on Windows.
September 2011
Added --javascript
option for running HTML and SVG script elements.
Added --script=FILE
option for running external JavaScript files.
Added prince-script()
value for running JavaScript from CSS
generated content.
Replaced the --log-stats
option with a JavaScript API.
Added support for the SVG <style>
Added support for the SVG <switch>
Added support for scientific/exponential notation in SVG coordinates.
Fixed bug affecting non-break space characters in SVG.
Improved line-breaking for Chinese text.
Added support for Chinese, Japanese, and Persian counter styles for list numbering.
Improved performance for fonts with many OpenType glyph substitution rules.
Fixed bug causing warnings and unnecessary kerning with some OpenType fonts.
Fixed bug affecting OpenType positioning in some OpenType fonts.
Added support for Unicode characters beyond U+30000.
Added support for style and link elements that occur in the document body.
Added support for the xml:base attribute on style and link elements.
Added support for hidden input elements.
Removed "max-width: 100%" from img elements, for browser compatibility.
Removed "line-height: none" from sub/sup elements, for browser compatibility.
Fixed bug where the type
attribute was setting the list-style-type
for non-HTML elements.
Added support for images downloaded over HTTP with incorrect MIME types.
Added --http-timeout option to avoid waiting indefinitely for slow servers.
Added support for PDF attachments with --attach=FILE
and "show-attachments" value for the prince-pdf-page-mode property.
Added support for PDF bookmarks on pseudo-elements.
Added prince-pdf-page-layout property to control page layout in PDF viewer.
Added prince-pdf-page-label property for specifying PDF page labels.
Fixed bug affecting PDF bookmarks on repeating table headers and footers.
Added :nth() page selector.
Added support for the prince-link property on pseudo-elements.
Changed default value of prince-image-resolution property to "normal".
Changed page vertical margins to be resolve percentages relative to height, not width.
Added device-cmyk() as an alias for the cmyk() color function.
Fixed bug where counter scopes were incorrectly extended outside of parent elements.
Fixed bug where the width property had no effect on page margin boxes.
Fixed bug affecting positioned blocks inside justified paragraphs.
Fixed bug where text decoration did not work properly with text-indent.
Fixed bug where forced page breaks in list items would cause the marker to be repeated.
Fixed bug affecting table cells that span rows and break across multiple pages.
Fixed bug affecting empty inline tables and HTML <select>
Fixed bug where cmyk() and rgba() background colors were not being applied to table rows and row groups.
Fixed bug where space before commas in CSS selectors resulted in rules being ignored.
Fixed bug where @charset rules would block @import rules.
Changed leaders to expand before performing text alignment.
Fixed bug affecting empty leaders.
Added support for the column properties on table cells and list items.
Added support for inset/outset/ridge/groove/double column rule styles.
Fixed bug where the column-break-before and column-break-after properties only worked on direct children of an element with multi-column layout.
Fixed bug where column floats in nested multi-column layouts went to the outer column, not the inner column.
Fixed bug affecting "float: prince-column-top-if-necessary" on elements not inside columns.
Fixed bug affecting column floats and footnotes inside other floats, inline and absolutely positioned blocks, and table cells.
Improved speed and reduced memory usage for large documents.
Updated the default hyphenation dictionaries.
Added support for baseline alignment of MathML content.
May 2010
Added support for the WOFF font file format.
Added support for OpenType extension lookups needed for kerning with the Arno Pro font.
Added support for the OpenType GDEF table, needed by some Arabic and Indic fonts.
Added support for OpenType positioning rules with vertical placement.
Added new command-line option --no-artificial-fonts to disable synthesised bold and italic fonts.
Improved handling of symbolic fonts with no Unicode charmap, such as Wingdings and barcode fonts.
Added support for Unicode characters up to U+30000.
Right-to-left and left-to-right bidi marks are now treated as non-printing characters.
Fixed bug where hyphenation could prevent ligature formation.
Fixed bug where punctuation could interfere with kerning and other OpenType features.
Fixed bug affecting some OpenType chaining contextual substitutions.
Fixed bug where non-embedded fonts could still be subset.
Fixed bug affecting unquoted font-family names that include numbers.
Fixed bug affecting Fontconfig on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.
Added support for bidirectional text layout in SVG.
Added support for multiple x/y/dx/dy and rotate values on text elements in SVG.
Added support for the letter-spacing and word-spacing properties in SVG.
Added the table-baseline property, needed for MathML for CSS.
Added the border-break property.
Added the prince-border-clip property, used for specifying the length of the border on the @footnotes area.
Added the prince-pdf-open-action property to specify actions such as printing that should take place automatically when the PDF file is opened.
Added support for internal links in documents with multiple base URLs.
Added support for commonly used HTML5 elements, such as section.
Added prince-base-url() value to content property for accessing document URL.
Changed prince-pdf-link-type property to apply to bookmark links as well as normal links.
Added an experimental --fileroot option for specifying the root directory used to resolve absolute filenames.
Grayscale TIFF and PNG images are no longer expanded to RGB.
Invalid intrinsic resolutions in JPEG images are now ignored.
Fixed bug affecting collapsing borders for footers on tables that span page breaks.
Fixed bug affecting line-breaking of string-set values used in flowed blocks.
Fixed bug where margins could collapse through blocks with "overflow: hidden".
Fixed bug where words containing apostrophes would not be hyphenated.
Fixed bug affecting preformatted whitespace between spans in HTML documents.
Fixed bug affecting style sheets beginning with a UTF-8 BOM immediately followed by an identifier.
October 2009
New TeX-style algorithm for high-quality line-breaking and justification.
Added hyphenation dictionaries for more European languages.
The last word in a column or page can now be hyphenated.
Support for Arabic and Hebrew with OpenType fonts.
Support for Indic scripts with OpenType fonts. (Devanagari/Hindi, Bengali, Gurmukhi/Punjabi, Gujarati, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam)
Support for bidirectional text and layout, needed for right-to-left scripts. This includes support for the Unicode bidirectional layout algorithm, the CSS direction and unicode-bidi properties, and the HTML dir attribute and bdo element.
The text-transform property now supports Greek, Cyrillic, and other scripts, in addition to Latin.
Support for the arabic-indic style for counters and lists.
Support for OpenType CFF fonts (.otf files).
Support for ligatures, kerning, and small-caps with OpenType fonts.
Support for automatic mark positioning with OpenType fonts.
Support for nine levels of boldness using the font-weight property.
Support for synthesized bold and italic fonts when a true bold or italic font is not available.
Improved system font scanning on Linux, MacOS X, and Windows.
Fixed bug affecting TrueType Collection fonts on Windows.
Fixed bug affecting the merging of related font subsets.
Changed the way @font-face rules are processed to follow the latest draft of the CSS3 Fonts module.
Support for the unicode-range descriptor on @font-face rules.
Added an experimental prince-opentype() value to the font-variant property for accessing extra features found in OpenType fonts, such as decorative swashes and old-style numerals.
Support for the CSS3 box-sizing property.
Added a new property, prince-pdf-destination, to create named destinations in generated PDF files.
Added a new property, prince-pdf-link-type, to control whether web or file links are created in generated PDF files.
Support for the shorthand "font" property in SVG, and the font-variant and font-stretch properties.
Support for fallback colors used in SVG paint specifications, eg. for the fill property.
Fixed bug where the SVG fill-opacity property was not inherited.
Added Prince package for 64-bit Linux.
Added --log-stats command-line option for printing document statistics such as the total page count.
Added --insecure command-line option to disable checking SSL certificates.
Added --ssl-capath and --ssl-cacert options for compatibility with curl.
Support for creating footnotes with the float property.
Support for multiple page selectors on the same @page rule.
The page and pages counters can now be incremented and reset on block elements.
Support for four values on the prince-trim and prince-bleed properties, similar to margins and padding.
Fixed bug where the "inherit" keyword was not correctly applied to page margin boxes.
Added support for times to Date metadata values in XHTML.
Absolutely positioned blocks can now extend beyond the page border.
Unbalanced columns will now break to fit in blocks with specified height.
Fixed bug where blocks with specified height could break across pages.
Fixed bug where margin box backgrounds did not extend into the page bleed area.
Fixed bug where page background was rendered incorrectly on landscape pages.
Fixed bug affecting the height of blocks with "overflow: hidden" containing floats.
Fixed performance regression affecting multi-column layouts inside positioned blocks and inline blocks.
Fixed bug affecting text-align on narrow lines.
Fixed bug affecting the width of shrink-to-fit boxes (eg. inline blocks, table cells and floats) containing multiple columns.
Fixed bug where the HTML align attribute on <tr> elements did not affect <th> elements.
Fixed bug where internal links to documents with /../ or /./ in the path name were not resolved correctly.
February 2009
Support for the image/jpg MIME type as an alias for image/jpeg.
Improved support for repeating background images using PDF patterns to reduce file size.
Fixed bug where progress counter was reset by page breaks in the document.
Fixed bug where no Accept-Encoding HTTP header was being sent and responses using gzip transfer encoding were not processed correctly.
Fixed bug where only a limited number of documents could be added to the GUI in one operation.
Page borders now extend into the bleed area as well as page backgrounds.
Fixed bugs affecting line height when small-caps or vertical alignment are enabled.
Removed support for the text-height property, which has been dropped from CSS 3.
Fixed bug where the column-break-before and column-break-after properties were ignored.
Fixed bug affecting the hyphenation of words with leading punctuation, such as quotes.
Fixed bug affecting the width calculation of cells in fixed-width tables.
Fixed bug where text-decoration did not apply to page margin boxes.
Fixed bug where text-decoration did not apply to a span containing only nbsp characters.
Added support for tiling patterns in SVG.
Fixed performance issue where SVG images would be reloaded every time they were used.
Added support for "date" as a meta tag in HTML and XHTML documents.
Fixed bugs affecting HTML files saved as UTF-8.
Fixed bugs affecting HTML files containing control characters.
September 2008
Added support for CMYK TIFF and JPEG images.
Fixed bug affecting the resolution of TIFF images.
Update string-set values on each page for content that has been flowed into the page margin boxes.
Fixed bug affecting the layout of inline elements with horizontal borders that span multiple lines.
Fixed bug affecting hyphenated words breaking across pages.
Fixed bug affecting the hyphenate-before and hyphenate-after properties when using non-ASCII hyphenation patterns, such as Russian.
Block-level tables may now be pushed aside by floats.
Fixed bug where the text-decoration properties were ignored on table cells and rows.
Fixed bug where the min-width and max-width properties were ignored on table cells.
Fixed bug where the overflow property was ignored on table cells.
Fixed bug where the page break properties did not apply inside table cells.
Fixed bug affecting the width of tables with collapsed borders.
Changed default styling on the pre element to add top and bottom margin for compatibility with browsers.
Changed default styling on the br element for compatibility with browsers.
Improved performance for documents containing many id attributes.
Reduced memory usage for documents containing many elements and CSS rules, such as documents with thousands of table cells.
Support for the image/x-png MIME type used by Internet Explorer.
Fixed bug creating zombie processes when running Prince from CGI scripts on Windows.
Fixed bug where some font family names were hidden on Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris.
May 2008
Changed cross-reference links and bookmarks to link to the location of the target content on the page, not just the top of the page on which the content appears.
Added support for links to local PDF files that include PDF open parameters, such as the target page number.
Added support for new prince-page-group property to control when a named page group starts or restarts.
Added support for new prince-trim property to specify the size of the paper trim box when crop marks are enabled.
Improved performance when hyphenation is enabled.
Improved treatment of manually hyphenated words.
Fixed bug in which "hyphens: manual" was not enabling processing of soft-hyphen characters.
Fixed bugs affecting the width of floats and table cells containing hyphenated words.
Added new property value "hyphens: prince-expand-all" for debugging hyphenation patterns.
Added support for the "type" attribute on HTML lists.
Added support for alternating list marker styles on nested HTML lists.
Added support for rowspan=0 from HTML 4.
Fixed layout bug affecting some tables with cells that span multiple columns.
Fixed layout bug affecting some tables with cells that span rows and break across multiple pages.
Fixed bug in which page-break-after: avoid could cause unwanted page breaks when applied to the last row in a table.
Fixed bug in default style sheets affecting HTML valign attribute on table cells.
Added support for external "cookie jar" files for specifying authentication cookies.
Fixed bug in which a HTTP proxy server could be used localhost URLs.
Added Prince package for Solaris 10 (Sparc).
Added Prince package for FreeBSD 6.3.
Added support for TrueType Collections on Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris.
Fixed "bad argument" warning affecting some fonts on MacOS X Leopard.
Fixed bug in which RPM upgrade could overwrite existing license file.
Fixed bug in which blocked SIGPIPE signal could lead to zombie processes when running under PHP.
Fixed bug affecting floats with negative margins that are wider than the page.
Fixed bugs affecting columns, column floats, page floats and footnotes.
Fixed bug leaving unnecessary page break after page floats within named pages.
Fixed bug affecting the style attribute in SVG.
Fixed bug affecting style sheets that begin with a UTF-8 byte order mark.
Fixed bug affecting borders and margins applied to images.
Fixed bug affecting width calculation for inline blocks.
Fixed bug where multiple redundant error messages were produced if an image could not be loaded.
Fixed bug in which "." was loaded if an HTML img element has no src attribute.
Fixed bug in which sibling selectors were not always correctly applied.
Added support for prince-flow() as well as flow() on the content property.
Fixed bug affecting mailto: URLs.
Improved treatment of landscape pages.
January 2008
Added support for presentational attributes on the <hr> element.
Added support for the <s> and <strike> elements.
Added support for the nowrap attribute on table cells.
Added support for the "Generator" meta tag.
Fixed bug in which Flash content was being downloaded for object elements.
Fixed bug in which img elements with no src attribute were not displaying their alt attribute text.
Added new --http-proxy command-line argument for specifying a proxy server.
Added support for remembering cookies for subsequent HTTP requests.
Updated Prince PHP interface to support basic HTTP authentication.
Fixed bug in which failed HTTP requests could be retried repeatedly.
Fixed bug in which no-cache headers were added to each HTTP request, which could degrade performance.
Improved margin collapsing behaviour for blocks that clear floats.
Improved column balancing and the treatment of page floats and footnotes on pages with columns.
Improved page breaking of blocks with page-break-before/after: avoid.
Added support for the page-break-inside property on table rows as well as cells.
Fixed bug in which page-break-after: always was not correctly applying to table rows.
Fixed bug in which some blank pages were not matched by the :blank page class.
Fixed bug in which properties applied to page margin boxes were not taking the specificity of the page selector into account when cascading.
Fixed bug in which page-break-after: avoid could actually cause unwanted page breaks when applied to the last element in a block.
Fixed bug affecting page breaking when a float was immediately followed by a page break.
Fixed bug in which the center margin box did not always take the full width of the page header if an empty element was flowed to it and no left or right margin box had been specified.
Added a new @prince-pdf CSS rule that can be used to apply the following PDF properties:
@prince-pdf { prince-pdf-script: "...JavaScript..."; prince-pdf-page-mode: auto | show-bookmarks | fullscreen; prince-pdf-print-scaling: auto | none }
Added Prince packages for SUSE 10 and Solaris 10 (Intel).
Added support for the image/pjpeg MIME type.
Fixed bug in which the table border-spacing property was not inherited.
Fixed bug affecting string-set with "first" page-policy when multiple documents are in use.
Fixed bug affecting interaction between named pages and left/right page breaks.
Fixed internal error caused by replaced elements with zero width.
Fixed shrink-wrap issue affecting floats containing tables with specified width.
Fixed bug affecting the currentColor keyword in SVG.
Fixed bug affecting footnotes and page floats in content flowed into page margin boxes.
Fixed bug affecting internal links on Windows.
Fixed bug affecting automatic layout for tables with a specified width.
October 2007
Added support for TrueType font subsetting to reduce PDF file size.
Added support for line-breaking between Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters.
Improved performance of text hyphenation in multi-column layouts.
Added support for multiple pseduo-elements in CSS selectors so that generated
footnotes and list item markers can be styled. (For example,
Fixed bugs affecting page background image properties.
Fixed bug affecting links without fragment identifiers when processing multiple input documents.
Fixed bug affecting page headers and footers flowed to the start of the document when processing multiple input documents.
Fixed bug affecting page breaking tables with cells that span many rows or table-row-groups with page-break-inside set to avoid.
Fixed bug affecting tables with baseline aligned cells that could overlap the page boundaries in some situations.
Fixed bug in which complex tables could cause an internal error.
August 2007
Added support for HTML anchors that use the name attribute instead of the id attribute.
Added support for the HTML iframe element.
Added support for the clear attribute on the HTML br element.
Added support for the alt attribute on the HTML img element.
Added support for SVG background images.
Added support for the old SVG MIME type, "image/svg-xml".
Added support for printing in the bleed area of the page when crop marks are enabled.
Added support for a new prince-bleed property to control the size of the bleed area when crop marks are enabled.
Added support for a new prince-background-image-resolution property, for specifying the resolution of background images.
Added support for absolute and relative positioning of elements taken out of the normal flow and placed in a page margin box.
Added support for basic HTTP authentication with two new command-line arguments, --http-user and --http-password.
Added support for HTTPS URLs.
Added support for Intel MacOS X machines by providing a universal binary.
Added support for FreeBSD 4.8.
Fixed bug affecting the vertical alignment of inline blocks with content longer than their specified height.
Added support for line breaking between adjacent images.
Improved shrink-to-fit support for pages to detect overlapping content.
Fixed bug in which absolutely positioned content was duplicated in some situations.
Fixed bug in which blocks in the normal flow with overflow set to hidden were not expanding in height to fit descendant floats.
Fixed bug in which images occupying no space resulted in PDF files that could not be opened by Acrobat.
Fixed bug in which the page-break-inside property was being ignored on table row groups.
Fixed bug in which images within hyperlinks were not clickable if they overlapped the bounding box of the containing link element.
Added support for links and cross-references into and out of footnotes.
Improved performance for formatting long documents with lots of text.
Added support for hyphenation regardless of the text alignment.
Fixed bug affecting large images loaded from data URLs on MacOS X.
June 2007
Fixed bug in which Prince was ignoring fonts on MacOS X if the font name contains the modifier "Book" instead of "Regular" or "Roman".
Fixed bug in which Windows-style CR/LF newlines in <pre> elements in HTML documents (not XHTML documents) incorrectly caused double line breaks.
Added further support for the HTML textarea element. Supported the rows attribute, changed white-space to pre-wrap and clipped text that overflows.
Fixed bug affecting the prince-jpeg-quality property when applied to grayscale JPEG images.
Supported the value attribute on the HTML li element, for explicitly specifying the list item number.
Changed @page background to cover entire page box, not just page padding area, for consistency with the CSS3 Paged Media specification.
Fixed bug in which elements containing only floated or positioned content still had a non-zero height, as if the content was still in the normal flow.
Fixed performance regression in CSS parser.
Added --media command-line argument to select available style sheets based on their media type, eg. "print" or "screen"; default is "print".
Added a new property to @page rules to shrink wide web pages down to fit the paper width: prince-shrink-to-fit: none | auto.
Changed margin collapsing at the top of first pages for consistency with browsers and the CSS3 Paged Media spec.
Support for @font-face rules that specify format("truetype") after the URL in the src property.
Fixed bug in which the aspect ratio of images with an explicitly specified width and height was not preserved if the image width is reduced by the max-width property.
Fixed bug in which tables ignored percentage height values.
Fixed bug in which user induced column breaks incorrectly caused a page break when there was content preceding the columns.
Fixed Linux and MacOS X install script so that it can be run from any directory, not just the current directory.
May 2007
Support for English hyphenation using the following new CSS properties:
hyphens: manual | auto prince-hyphenate-patterns: none | url(...) prince-hyphenate-before: <int> prince-hyphenate-after: <int> prince-hyphenate-lines: no-limit | <int>
Please note that hyphenation will only be enabled for paragraphs on which text-align has been set to "justify".
Support for loading all resources from HTTP URLs, including documents, style sheets, images and even fonts.
Support for rounded borders using the following CSS 3 properties:
border-top-left-radius: <length> [ <length> ] border-top-right-radius: <length> [ <length> ] border-bottom-left-radius: <length> [ <length> ] border-bottom-right-radius: <length> [ <length> ]
(Similar properties are available in the Mozilla Firefox browser, where they are prefixed with "-moz-").
Initial support for MathML presentation and content markup. This is the first prototype of MathML support in Prince, so feedback from MathML users would be greatly appreciated.
Support for converting multiple input documents into a single output PDF file. Currently this functionality can only be accessed from the command-line. Useful for converting a collection of linked documents or an entire website into a single PDF file.
Support for unbalanced columns as well as balanced columns.
The column type is controlled using the new column-fill
column-fill: auto | balance
In balanced columns, content is distributed among the columns such that they all have similar length. In automatic columns, the content simply fills each column one at a time, with the last columns shorter or entirely empty. This layout is commonly seen in articles produced using LaTeX.
Columns can be specified by width using the new column-width
property or by number using the existing column-count
column-count: <number> column-width: <length>
A new columns
shorthand property accepts either a number of
columns or a column width:
columns: <number> | <length>
Two new properties are available for inducing column breaks in content within columns:
column-break-after: auto | always column-break-before: auto | always
The properties for controlling page breaking now apply to content within
columns. This includes page-break-after
and page-break-inside
Specifically, a value of avoid
will inhibit page breaking
and column breaking.
page-break-after: avoid /* also inhibits column breaks */ page-break-before: avoid /* also inhibits column breaks */ page-break-inside: avoid /* also inhibits column breaks */
The widows
and orphans
properties now apply to
content within columns.
Footnotes can now occur within page floats and within other footnotes.
The footnote
counter is now incremented automatically at each
footnote and does not need to be manually incremented.
A new symbolic counter style allows footnotes to use common footnote symbols such as asterisks and daggers instead of just numbers:
::footnote-call { content: counter(footnote, symbols('*', '+', '!')) }
Support for column floats, which are similar to page floats but restricted to a single column instead of the whole page:
float: prince-column-top | prince-column-bottom
Support for optional floats, in which content is floated to the top/bottom of the next page/column only if it will not fit in the current location:
float: prince-top-if-necessary | prince-bottom-if-necessary float: prince-column-top-if-necessary | prince-column-bottom-if-necessary
This feature provides a flexible alternative to regular page/column floats, which always move the content to the top/bottom of the page/column. Regular page/column floats always move the content to the top/bottom of the page/column. Optional floats are more flexible: they only float the content if it doesn't fit on the page.
Both of these methods are good ways of including large images in a document without causing gaps to appear at the bottom of the page preceding the image.
A new property for replacing text:
prince-text-replace: none | [ <string> <string> ]+
For example, this can be used to replace straight single apostrophes with right single quotes without modifying the source document.
Support for the xml:base
attribute and the XHTML
Support for CMYK colors using the cmyk()
color: cmyk(0.8, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3)
Support for RGBA colors using the rgba()
color: rgba(100%, 100%, 0%, 0.5)
Support for capitalization:
text-transform: capitalize
The text-transform
property now also applies to accented Latin
The flow
property now takes an optional second parameter allowing
content to be flowed into headers/footers that are earlier in the document:
flow: static(<ident>, start | current)
This is convenient when content at the end of the document needs to be placed in a header/footer at the beginning.
Support for the font-stretch
property on Linux and MacOS X, not
yet on Windows. This property is used to select a particular font based on its
width if multiple widths are available for a given font family:
font-stretch: condensed
Improved CSS parsing and error reporting for invalid style sheets.
March 2007
February 2007
December 2006
December 2006
October 2006
September 2006
July 2006
July 2006
May 2006
April 2006
April 2006
February 2006
January 2006
December 2005
December 2005
December 2005
November 2005
November 2005
October 2005
October 2005
August 2005
July 2005
June 2005
May 2005
October 2004
May 2004
December 2003
June 2003
June 2003
correctly handles relative file pathsxml-stylesheet
correctly handles absolute file pathsline-break-before
propertyMay 2003
April 2003