Forum How do I...?

Converting a paragraph to bullet points


I would like to know if the following could be accomplished using PrinceXML.

I have a paragraph of text and it should be converted into a bullet point structure. Each sentence (where there is a period) in the paragraph should be a bullet point.

Is there a way to accomplish this (on the fly) ... where I can put this paragraph inside a div tag with some CSS properties ... that Prince would understand and convert the paragraph to bullet points.

MS Word has some macro that accomplishes this with the Client-Server model of our software. I would like to know if we can do this in Prince.

This cannot be done with CSS. If Prince supports JavaScript you could use that, but we have not implemented JavaScript support yet. The easiest solution is probably to write a Perl script or XSLT transform to find the sentences and convert them to list items before passing the document to Prince.