Forum Bugs

Conversion failed - "error: get_ith_column: item not fo

today I installed the new Prince version (5.1) and tried to convert an xml document to pdf and i get an error ("error: get_ith_column: item not found"). If I convert the document with the version I used until today it works perfectly and no error occors. I do not know what is meant with "get_ith_column". Can you help me? Is there any bug since last version?

Thank you for reporting the bug in Prince 5.1 rev 2.

The internal error message "get_ith_column: item not found" will be given when there are more table columns in table colgroups than there are table cells in table rows. For example:
<!-- three columns in the colgroup -->
<colgroup> <col/> <col/> <col/> </colgroup>
<!-- but only two cells in the row -->

(Is this the case in your document? If not, could you please send us a test file?)

We will fix this bug in the next maintenance release of Prince, which will probably be released by early January.

Thanks again!
Thanks, that might be the reason. I'm looking forward to the next release, because I am not able to fix the problem from my side (I cannot change the source-xml code).

Thanks for the quick answer!!
This issue has been fixed in Prince 5.1 rev 3, so it should work fine now -- let us know how it goes! :D
Thanks, I think it works now!! :)
Did not find any problems until now.