Forum How do I...?

Clipping the part of float that would overflow page

If I have a float that it less tall than the available area on a page but the float starts late on a page and doesn't fit on that page anymore, it moves to the next page.

How do I make a float not move onto the next page and clip the float from its bottom if it doesn't fully fit in the remaining height of the page?

overflow: hidden; on @page doesn't do it.
Using an absolutely positioned block would do it perhaps?
No, absolute positioning doesn't do the right thing. I want the text to wrap around the image and the top edge of the image to move with a certain paragraph.

I want the float to behave like a float except for adjusting its height by clipping so that it doesn't move to the next page when reasonable clipping would keep it on the same page.

Perhaps CSS needs a feature for saying that a floated replaced element may be clipped up to an amount of <length> and that the clipping occurs from top|bottom|both. I'll post to www-style.
Looks like what I'm looking for is pretty close to image-fit. Unfortunately, the documentation suggests that Prince doesn't support it.
Can you post a link to the definition of this property? We've had requests for it before and we can add it to the roadmap.