I'm writing my master thesis, and looking for an alternative to latex I stumbled across Prince. I really like it, but I'm not so happy with the verbosity of the XHTML syntax.
So as any good nerd should, I wrote a quick and dirty parser that's based on curly braces instead of <tag></tag> and can automatically generate paragraphs. You simply write some text in this format, convert it with a FopSnor and out comes valid XML.
I've found it useful myself, so I thought some people on this board might like it too. It's probably buggy since I didn't test corner cases much, but who knows, it just might work for you.
I'm not going to break up this post and continue in a second one since I'm not allowed to post a link in my first post
I'm writing my master thesis, and looking for an alternative to latex I stumbled across Prince. I really like it, but I'm not so happy with the verbosity of the XHTML syntax.
So as any good nerd should, I wrote a quick and dirty parser that's based on curly braces instead of <tag></tag> and can automatically generate paragraphs. You simply write some text in this format, convert it with a FopSnor and out comes valid XML.
I've found it useful myself, so I thought some people on this board might like it too. It's probably buggy since I didn't test corner cases much, but who knows, it just might work for you.
I'm not going to break up this post and continue in a second one since I'm not allowed to post a link in my first post