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borders on blocks that span pages


I read on a previous post "In the future, Prince will support a CSS3 property allowing user control of whether borders should be repeated when a block is split across more than one page.", is this possible now?

My issue is that I have a bordered div that span across a page and I only want a bottom border at the point where the div finishes. i.e. I want no bottom border on the page where the div originates and no top border on the page where it finishes.

(I'm current using Prince v6 rev 7)

We don't support a property for this yet, but it could be achieved with the following workaround of adding a block at the beginning and end of the div, instead of placing the border on the div itself:
div::before, div::after {
    border-top: solid red thick;
    display: block;
    content: ''