Forum Bugs

Images are blurry, no matter what format

Images always seem blurry no matter what format I try.

As an example take the Prince logo above, if I put this into a HTML document called index.html, using:

<img src="plogo4.png" width="300" height="78" alt="Plogo4">

And then run:

prince index.html -o new.pdf

This image is blurred. Also of note is if I remove the height and width attributes, and run the same command the image size has increased in the PDF even though I have not used any other program.

It does appear that the image is resized by prince.

SVG images are always razor sharp as expected.

Any Ideas?
Prince always embeds image files exactly as-is. The size that images take up on the page is determined by the width and height attributes and CSS properties, the intrinsic image size, and the intrinsic image resolution (DPI), which may also be overridden with the prince-image-resolution property. This also does not affect the actual image data, only the size of the rectangle on the page in which it is drawn.