Forum Bugs

footnote-marker not positionable or inline-able

Chris Thorman

I am finding that all of these properties are being ignored for footnote-markers:

position: relative (with top:, left:, etc.)

Also, They only seem to display to the left of the footnote itself, which I agree looks nice, but in the book I am working on, I need them to appear "inline" like a span so that the longer footnote texts wrap under the marker, rather than avoiding it.

display: inline;

... also does not work.

Chris Thorman

I may have partially addressed this myself.

Adding float: left; caused some of the positioning things to start working.

Since I wanted my content to wrap around the marker, it was merely a question of making sure that there was an indent in the first paragraph inside each footnote, and moving the marker to the left by that same amount.

div.fn p:first {
text-indent: .4em; /* the footnote symbol will appear inside this space */

div.fn::footnote-marker {
content: counter(footnote);
font-size: 75%;
float: left;
position: relative;
left: -.4em; /* This must match the text-indent of the div.fn p:first */