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format data similar to a "form"?

Hi, I have a pdf here: that looks great except when i have certain xml values that are longer than others, i need to simply make the values have a min-height and max-height. here's my xml: and here's my css:

the longer fields are denoted by being preceded by <fieldTypeId>9</fieldTypeId>

you can see that the min-height does expand the field, but it doesn't push the next one down. i tried floating it and clearing all other fields, but this doesn't seem to have worked.
Each field is kept inside the CrmFormFields element, which you have given CrmFormFields { height:20px; }. Because of this, the element height doesn't expand even if the child element height expands.

In addition you have set all the child elements of CrmFormFields to float:left. When a child is set to float, then the height of the mother element is not affected by the height of the child.

I think you get what you want if you add/use this CSS:
CrmFormFields { height:auto;}
fieldTypeId:contains("9") ~ * { float:none;}


thanks so much!... i guess the css just got out of hand for me and i missed that one little height setting.