Wrong margins on the page:left and page:right
I am using preview verision Prince 5.0 rev 4
I want to have bigger margin on the inside of pages.
I used @page:left {margin-left:6mm;margin-right:20mm}
@page:right {margin-left:20mm;margin-right:6mm}
It gives me the opposite effect
So to get the right effect I have to use the following
@page:right {margin-left:6mm;margin-right:20mm}
@page:left {margin-left:20mm;margin-right:6mm}
Currently, Prince treats the first page of the document as a right page, assuming that it is a cover page, and that the first two page spread is page 2 and page 3.
Do you expect the first page of the document to be a left page or a right page?
We may need to add an option to control this behaviour, like --first-page=left or something like that.
When I view the PDF pages with the mutiple document view. I see the right and left pages with the wrong(opposite) margins.
I can send you the css/xml and PDF for viewing, if you tell me where to send it.
Not Multiple Document, it is Mutiple Page View
I might be way off, but:
It could be that you are running a trial version of prince with the "demo logo" on the first page. Prince correctly outputs the pdf, and then appends this "demo page" on the front, so that when you view it in acrobat, it thinks the front page is the first right-sided page, and throws everything off. Just delete the first page.
Sorry this is so wordy, I'm not good at explaining
Hi Michael
I must be doing something wrong.
I am using following
@page:left {@top-left {content: "Cascading Style Sheets";};
It displays the header on the right page.
My pages show up as under
First page(Prince XML Page) Position - right
Second Page - Blank page Position - left
Third Page - Content's first page(with header) Position right
Yes ben I think you are right my above comment also proves it. But I do not know how to delete the first page.
Anyway I am just using it to evaluate the Prince so it does not matter much, if it works right in the production verison.
Ah, Ben has the answer!

The splash page added by the evaluation version is not treated as being part of the document, and so the subsequent pages will appear to be on the wrong side if the PDF is viewed in Acrobat.
mikeday wrote:
Currently, Prince treats the first page of the document as a right page, assuming that it is a cover page, and that the first two page spread is page 2 and page 3.
Do you expect the first page of the document to be a left page or a right page?
We may need to add an option to control this behaviour, like --first-page=left or something like that.
I would very much like this option. We're doing a 1300 page catalog with many images. Because Prince loads all the images up at start, we have to generate a set of pages at a time if we want it done quickly. Some sets don't start on the right page so we have to do tricks to make it left or right.
I've added this option to the
roadmap for inclusion in a future release of Prince.
Prince 10 rev 5 now has support for making the first page of the document a left page by applying "page-break-before: left".