Forum Bugs

Problem using heading counters

I took an example from the book "CSS: The Definitive Guide" (3rd ed.) to generate numbered headings. The problem is that the section counter is not getting reset properly.

Output from Prince:
1. The Secret Life of Salmon
1.1. Introduction
2. Habitats
2.2. Ocean
2.3. Rivers
3. Spawning
3.4. Fertilization
3.5. Gestation
3.6. Hatching

Expected output (verified using Opera 9.26):
1. The Secret Life of Salmon
1.1. Introduction
2. Habitats
2.1. Ocean
2.2. Rivers
3. Spawning
3.1. Fertilization
3.2. Gestation
3.3. Hatching

Input HTML file:
    <title>Numbered headings</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="hdr-num-bug.css" title="My Style" type="text/css" media="screen,print">

    <h1>The Secret Life of Salmon</h1>



CSS file:
h1:before {
    counter-reset: section;
    counter-increment: chapter;
    content: counter(chapter) ". ";
h2:before {
    counter-reset: subsect;
    counter-increment: section;
    content: counter(chapter) "." counter(section) ". ";
h3:before {
    counter-increment: subsect;
    content: counter(chapter) "." counter(section) "." counter(subsect) ". ";

If anyone has a work-around for this problem will be appreciated.
Apply the counter-reset property to the heading element itself, not the ::before pseudo-element, which is treated as a child of the heading and will only reset the counter within the heading element scope. This should solve the problem:
h1 { counter-reset: section }
h1:before {
    counter-increment: chapter;
    content: counter(chapter) ". ";
Thanks for the clarification, I didn't realize that the :before would be treated as a child. FWIW, here's the final CSS that works:

h1 {
    counter-reset: section;
h1:before {
    counter-increment: chapter;
    content: counter(chapter) ". ";
h2 {
    counter-reset: subsect;
h2:before {
    counter-increment: section;
    content: counter(chapter) "." counter(section) ". ";
h3:before {
    counter-increment: subsect;
    content: counter(chapter) "." counter(section) "." counter(subsect) ". ";