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Creating a PDF from Google Maps


I am looking for something that can create a print quality report that also includes some custom google maps created using the API.

Since Prince does not recognize Javascript is there any way to to this, either from the client or server side (preferably client side)?

My first idea: I downloaded one of my gmaps pages and removed all of the JS. The browsers (FF2 ad IE6) still display the map correctly as the browser downloaded all of the map tiles and stuff, but when I run it through Prince I do not get any tiles or markers in the map div. It is only reporting an error about failing to parse all CSS rules.

Anyone have some insight?

Perhaps post a link to the page without JavaScript that displays correctly in browsers but not in Prince, then we can take a look and see what is going on.
Good news everyone: Google Maps now supports static images without JavaScript, which should make it easier to turn to PDF with Prince. :)