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Allowing HTML inserted via JSTL c:import

Bob White

I am using the JSTL c:import tag to load a URL/HTML page from another application into an enclosing HTML page.

This works fine, but when Prince converts the enclosing HTML page, everything in the page up to an including the c:import'ed HTML page is converted, but the content after the c:import'ed tag is lost.

This seems to be because the c:import'ed page is a complete HTML page, with it's own <HTML> and <BODY> tags. When Prince meets the </HTML> and </BODY> tags of the c:import'ed page, it also stop processing the enclosing page.

Is there a way around this within Prince? We are using Prince v5.1. rev 11.


You can't nest HTML documents like that I'm afraid, and the HTML parser we are using in Prince doesn't like it. The only solution is to find a way to import only the contents of the body element from the subdocument.