Does Prince support aria attributes like aria-flowto to change the reading order of a document? I want to keep how the elements are located visually, but have the screen reader read the document in a different order.
Interestingly, specifying the PDF/UA-1 output profile does produce a PDF document with an explicit reading order, at least according to the accessibility checker I'm using; however, Prince does not seem to expose any mechanism for modifying the reading order it produces.
As far as I know a PDF can only include one reading order (while aria-flowto can potentially express multiple choices, like a choose your own adventure book!) and providing a mechanism to reorder the document would require some care as it might be easy to produce a broken or incoherent structure tree.
I'll defer to your expertise regarding how difficult it would be to implement. I will observe that this is something I also have a use case for, though: I use Prince to lay out technical manuals, where the optimal default reading order for screen reader accessibility is often somewhat complex. I'd be willing to accept the risk of accidentally breaking the document tree in order to have finer control over the reading order.
(If it's a matter of an author-specified reading order potentially conflicting with the document tree hierarchy, just being able to manipulate the reading order of sibling elements within the same parent would suffice for most of the scenarios I have in mind.)