Forum Feature requests

:first :last :nth-child in page contexts

Maybe there already is a way to do this that I haven't figured out, but being able to style a specified element on a page - and column - would be an incredibly helpful feature.
In my case I visually divide elements with a bottom border, but it looks funky if that border ends up at the bottom of a column or page.
Something like .selector:-prince-last {} maybe?
Well, :-prince-page/column-last obviously...
I guess it can be done in JS, but I have a hard time making sense of the JS API docs.
Do you want Box Decoration Break?
Sort of the opposite. If a box *isn't* breaking but ends up at the bottom of a column (or page) I would like to remove the bottom border. I circled the lines I'm trying to target in the attached screenshot.
  1. Screenshot 2025-02-06 at 11.41.04 AM.png1.3 MB
Would it be a solution to set the border on the top of the boxes instead, except for the first one?
It's a great idea but doesn't solve the cases of borders at the bottom (or now, top) of a column in a page. In my case I guess it would make it easier to target the border in javascript if they have a more predictable location - thanks for the suggestion! I'll fiddle with it!