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Repeating table rows that are outside thead


I have a long table that is 'grouped' into subsections by some rows

I was wondering if it is somehow possible to repeat those rows on following pages underneath the already repeated thead elements? They should repeat until a new sectiontitle row is found.

I tried to do this with
display: table-header-group;

but that does not seem to do anything.

Any help would be appreciated!
Could you post an image of what you want to achieve?
Sorry, should have done that in my first post of course.

In this screenshot, you see that the first row is repeated on the second page. I would like to do this with only one actual row being present in the table.

It should repeat on as many pages as needed until another row of that type is found, which should then be repeated if needed.

I would like to avoid inserting copies of that row to keep my logic as flexible as possible.

I added a sample HTML file that I use for testing.
  1. index.html11.4 kB
  2. repeating-tablerow.png43.7 kB

Edited by Rutger