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Generated TOC questions

I'm hoping to do a generated TOC, rather than hard coding a list, but I've got a couple of questions.

I'm going for a textbook type general layout, where there are "parts" or "units" and then chapters - for my current project it would be 2 parts each of which contains what are, for this purpose, chapters (in actuality, they are more like magazine or journal articles). I do not need intra-"chapter" headings in the TOC. What I'm curious about is how the toc script would handle this, and how, if necessary, I'd need to modify my current html.

Right now, I don't have the part divisions in, but I'm thinking about using a
that encloses the chapters of that part, and setting a named page for the part title page; I'm not attached to this approach if it's proven not a great idea. My chapters are in
s with a
<header><h1 class="entry-title">
for each. (to be more specific because that might be confusing they are
<article id="article-1"><header><h1 class="entry-title"></h1></header></article> <article id="article-2"><header><h1 class="entry-title"></h1></header></article>
etc). Where I'm not sure is feeding the necessary elements to the TOC script. The example I saw feeds different levels of h tags, could I feed class names instead? If I can feed class names, does prince do a validity check on the html, or just expect the html to be valid? And, finally, are there any disallowed values for
id=" "
when it comes to TOC generation or cross references - I ran into an issue on another processor where id's that start with a number were considered invalid for those purposes?