Forum Bugs

Conversion not terminating if float properties cannot be satisfied

Dear team,

I am running an export that places figures on top of pages but leaves figures with tables in the text as is (see example). Because of a break-before: avoid property and the figure image being large enough so the figure and the table do not fit onto one page, PrinceXML 15.3 goes into an endless loop (Mac and Debian).

I am attaching the test.html file for reproduction. I'd expect it to end with an error message instead of timing out and finally having to be killed off.

prince --version
Prince 15.3
prince test.html -v -o test.pdf   
prince: used font: Times New Roman, Regular
prince: used font: Times New Roman, Bold
^C <-- will not terminate or produce an output

I would agree that this can probably be avoided by cleverly setting rules for page breaks, but an error would still be appreciated.


p.s.: You can change the height of the placeholder image to a lower value, and the PDF export works as soon as both figure-wrappers fit one page.
  1. test.html1.2 kB
It seems that this issue may have already been fixed in the latest builds.
Thanks, appreciate it. We will wait for 15.4 then since there's a workaround.
This fix is now available in Prince 15.4.