I think I'm missing something but cannot seem to get XML xrefs working. Consider:
I need nav-pointer to output the page reference. So, within the CSS for nav-pointer, I'm using
Unfortunately, if I add the hash mark to the XML attributes, then the XML is invalid. I tried CSS variables but var() doesn't seem to work within target-counter, so I'm out of ideas. What is best practice please?
<title>Sample TOC entry</title>
<nav-pointer rid="sec_1.2.3"/>
I need nav-pointer to output the page reference. So, within the CSS for nav-pointer, I'm using
target-counter(attr(rid), page)
but it doesn't resolve the page counter. If I update my @rid attribute to add the leading hash mark (e.g., rid="#sec_1.2.3") then it does work, as @rid is now a URL fragment.Unfortunately, if I add the hash mark to the XML attributes, then the XML is invalid. I tried CSS variables but var() doesn't seem to work within target-counter, so I'm out of ideas. What is best practice please?