Forum Bugs

prince-text-replace seems to stop working for a very long text


When a longer text in a table cell has no spaces, it usually has other non letter symbols, and we use prince-text-replace to add invisible symbols that can be used for a nice text wrapping. E. g.:

prince-text-replace: '>' '>\200B' ',' ',\200B' ';' ';\200B'; '"' '"\200B' '-' '-\200B' '[' '\200B[' '_' '_\200B'

And in most cases it works but we found a text from a real case that is not working well. I am attaching the html and the output pdf. The word wrapping looks well up to the 27th page, then it starts to have occasional cases where text goes out of page, and from the 43th page the wrapping seems to stop working.

Is there a limit of text length that can be used with prince-text-replace? Or is there something unusual about the input html?

  1. table_cell_wrapping_custom.html1.1 MB
    Html without spaces
  2. table_cell_wrapping_custom.html.pdf693.7 kB
There appears to be a stray semicolon after the ';\200B' value which is breaking the syntax, you should see a warning message like this:
warning: parse error in declaration at '"""'

If you remove the unnecessary semicolon then it should work!