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Defering figure to right page breaks on named pages

Dear all,

I am running into an issue with -prince-float-defer-page: right and named pages.

The requirement is that any figure must be on the top of a right page.

figure {
    -prince-float-reference: page;
    -prince-float-placement: top;
    -prince-float-defer-page: right;

This works well when the content is not assigned to a named page

However, as soon as the main text gets assigned to @page body the behavior breaks

Do I need to defer differently for named pages?

I have attached the test.html used to produce the screenshots above (with latest stable and the 20231005 build).

  1. default-page.png40.0 kB
    Screenshot without assigning a page
  2. page-body.png36.2 kB
    Screenshot with .body assigned to page
  3. test.html2.4 kB
    Sample file to reproduce the issue
  4. test.pdf32.2 kB
    Output produced by prince-20231005-macos
Hello Frederik, Thanks for providing a minimal test case which highlights the problem. I confirm that I get the same results as you. Will need to investigate to see if there is a workaround.