Forum Bugs

Font and font size change in a p tag for no reason that I see.

The highlighted text in the problem.png file shows some text in a p tag which changed font and font size for no reason that I can see.

The html.png file show the p tag in question. It contains three footnotes and some list items. The problem occurs after the list items but can clearly see the data is still in a p tag.

Is there some rule that I am not aware of or something that I am not seeing?

Thank You.
  1. html.png80.6 kB
  2. problem.png128.9 kB
It's hard to debug without seeing the HTML/CSS source code. Could you provide a minimized code example which illustrates the problem?
Here is the file we send to Doc Raptor with html and css. The problem is on page 30.
  1. tmus-por-636-da-1.html385.2 kB
I trimmed up the file a bit in case you needed it, you can still see the problem. The problem is one page one for this version.
  1. bad-para-test-file.html48.5 kB

Edited by dlpBNA

Thanks for providing a code example. The <li> elements terminates the <p> element. The simplest way to fix this is to add another <p> tag after the list item. (I would also use <ol> or <ul> around the <li> elements). The issue is discussed here:

Edited by howcome


That is what we did for a quick fix but the users are telling me that creates a problem with the online footnotes.

I will need to do some research into the footnotes.
You can also set the style on an ancestor of the <p> elements (e.g. <body>). This way, the <p> elements would inherit the style and it would also be applied to text outside the <p> elements.