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error: dropping unpackable block

I'm getting a "prince: error: dropping unpackable block" error. However, even with verbose and debug turned on, I don't get a line number, class, element, or anything that would help me track down what is being dropped, or where the error is coming from. Since this is a rather large HTML file (almost 9000 lines), with over 100 external images being loaded into it, it would really help if the error message contained any information to narrow down the search field.
(Oh, using Prince 15.1 by the way, on Windows 10 64bit. But Prince 15.0 gives the same error.)
Perhaps you could email me ( the file? Although that's a lot of images!

Generally I would use a quick binary search to narrow down where it might be coming from: the first half of the document or the second, etc. and seven iterations of this would narrow it down to less than 100 lines, by which time it's usually pretty obvious what is going on.
It's about 100MB in total, so let's mark that as plan B. ;)

I understand the binary search method, but that feels like a dirty manual hack. Prince knows which block it dropped; it should be able to tell me. Even if it can't give me an exact linenumber, the type of the block (p, div, etc.), or on what page the problem occured would already help tremendously. This ticket isn't so much about me needing help to fix this particular instance of this error, it's more about adding diagnostics to Prince to help everyone fix this issue on their own in the future.
(Oh, by the way, the error for me is caused by a very long MathML equation. I think this was never implemented:
A large document indeed! I'll see if we can improve this error message.
Great! Thanks in advance! :)