Forum Bugs

Acrobat Pro Textedit Problems after switch from Prince 14 to Prince 15


We switched Prince 14 to Prince 15 and since then users say they have Problems editing the pdfs with the acrobat pro Textediting tool.

We always compare test documents with an old version to the new version in production.
Ghostscript detected a lot of differences. But when we looked at the changes in the acrobat reader, everything looked great.

Did something change in the way the pdfs are rendered?
Are the objects where the letters are attached to maybe now somewhere else and the readers can't handle it correctly?
Just guessing here.

I can provide you a example-pdf.
If you try to edit the pdf with acrobat pro you can see the problem.

Can I email this pdf to someone? @Mike or @Howcome?

Maybe related to this?
Thanks for the hint csant,
Seems to be somewhat related.
I Tried --force-identity-encoding, but it seems like it doesn't fix my issue.

Could you email me ( a PDF file that works and one that doesn't?
Also we have now released Prince 15.1 that reverts to the approach used for text encoding in Prince 14, hopefully this will fix the issue you are experiencing.
Thank you Mike.
The version 15.1 fixes our problem.
Thanks for your work.
