First off: complements on an excellent piece of software! I'm currently evaluating it for use for creating PDF's of our articles for an online magazine and I'm pretty impressed so far. 
On to my question:
I have one document that I'm getting an "inline block not packed" error during conversion. I have validated the source with HTMLTidy and with a number of the online validators. I've picked through the source for the document and from what I can see I'm using a valid xhtml strict document so it's not the html that's throwing the error.
I'm using Prince v.5 beta 4 at the moment. I'm seeing this error when I'm converting with columns turned off in my CSS (i.e. text goes the width of the page). However, if I turn columns on and set it to two columns (using the exact same CSS file), this error goes away and my document renders normally.
Through trial and error, I've come to discover that this error is thrown when using tall images (679x1024) compared to wider than tall images (1024x769). It can be replicated with images of this size in a document and using the 'forprint.css' supplied with the beta 4 version of Prince.
I don't know if this is a bug or not. Whether it is or isn't, is there a work-around for this?

On to my question:
I have one document that I'm getting an "inline block not packed" error during conversion. I have validated the source with HTMLTidy and with a number of the online validators. I've picked through the source for the document and from what I can see I'm using a valid xhtml strict document so it's not the html that's throwing the error.
I'm using Prince v.5 beta 4 at the moment. I'm seeing this error when I'm converting with columns turned off in my CSS (i.e. text goes the width of the page). However, if I turn columns on and set it to two columns (using the exact same CSS file), this error goes away and my document renders normally.
Through trial and error, I've come to discover that this error is thrown when using tall images (679x1024) compared to wider than tall images (1024x769). It can be replicated with images of this size in a document and using the 'forprint.css' supplied with the beta 4 version of Prince.
I don't know if this is a bug or not. Whether it is or isn't, is there a work-around for this?