Running Prince 14.1 on Ubuntu 16 using the sample.html file below yields a pdf that uses Helvetica Bold instead of the specified Helvetica Normal. We haven't modified fonts.css.
The same sample.html file yields a pdf (correctly) using Helvetica Normal with Prince 13.5 on the same machine.
Also the pdf generates correctly on MacOS using Prince 14 and 13
Debug logging shows:
Full log: debug_log_prince_14_1.txt
The same sample.html file yields a pdf (correctly) using Helvetica Normal with Prince 13.5 on the same machine.
Also the pdf generates correctly on MacOS using Prince 14 and 13
Debug logging shows:
/prince/versions/14/lib/prince/bin/prince -vvv --debug ~/tmp/sample.html
prince: debug: font request: Helvetica
prince: debug: font scan: helvetica
prince: debug: found font: helvetica Regular
prince: debug: duplicate font: helvetica Regular
prince: debug: found font: helvetica Italic
prince: debug: found font: helvetica Italic
prince: debug: font scan: helvetica, 4 matches
prince: loading font: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/osxcorefonts/HelveticaBold.ttf
prince: debug: loaded resource: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/osxcorefonts/HelveticaBold.ttf
prince: debug: loaded resource: type: no
prince: used font: Helvetica, Bold
Full log: debug_log_prince_14_1.txt
<style type="text/css">
*[style] {
font-weight: normal !important;
body, html{
font-family: Helvetica;
font-weight: normal;
<div>Testing 123...</div>