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Cross reference page number

I am having trouble getting the correct page numbers in the Endnotes. Some page numbers should be lower-roman.

Using these CSS styles

a.cross-ref {
content: "on page "target-counter(attr(href), page);
display: inline;
hyphens: manual;

If I use
content: "Page "target-counter(attr(href), page, lower-roman)": ";
all the page numbers are lower roman

a.xref {
content: "Page "target-counter(attr(href), page)": ";
font-family: AGaramondPro;
font-size: 9.2pt;
font-weight: normal;

I have attached files
Your help would be greatly appreciated

  1. Prince_cross-ref_issue.zip803.5 kB
I think you will need another class or some other attribute on the link element to style the target-counter() differently for the page numbers that should be lower-roman.

This is a slightly awkward situation that we encounter from time to time as the same counter can be presented with different styles in different places, but that means that target-counter() also needs to duplicate that styling.
Thank you very much Mike for your help. I appreciate it.

We added custom style to the CSS to make it work

a.xref[href="#ref001"], a.xref[href="#ref002"], a.xref[href="#ref003"], a.xref[href="#ref004"], a.xref[href="#ref005"], a.xref[href="#ref006"] {
content: "Page "target-counter(attr(href), page, lower-roman)": ";
font-family: HelveticaLTStd;
font-size: 9.1pt;
font-weight: normal;
