We are currently testing the "latest" builds of Prince 14 against previous versions and noticed a difference with footnote placement (Prince versions 20201218 and 13.5).
We've attached a file with Prince 13 on the left, Prince 14 in the middle, and a diff on the right. Prince 13 shows the two footnotes together in the bottom right whereas Prince 14 shows the second footnote at the bottom of the column it resides in.
After some digging it appears to be related to css columns in conjunction with footnotes.
Source document: https://docraptor.com/samples/cookbook.html
David from DocRaptor
We've attached a file with Prince 13 on the left, Prince 14 in the middle, and a diff on the right. Prince 13 shows the two footnotes together in the bottom right whereas Prince 14 shows the second footnote at the bottom of the column it resides in.
After some digging it appears to be related to css columns in conjunction with footnotes.
Source document: https://docraptor.com/samples/cookbook.html
David from DocRaptor