When using a custom JavaScript function to format the footnote-call, the footnot calls are dispeared. It seems the no matter what that the custome function returns, it gets replaced with empty string.
I have attached a html page that can be used to duplicate the bug. Also there are two images attached, when is showing the bug and the another one showing the expected result.
I'm using Prince version 13.6 on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7. And I use this command to produce the pdf file:
Just for reference here is the code for html:
I have attached a html page that can be used to duplicate the bug. Also there are two images attached, when is showing the bug and the another one showing the expected result.
I'm using Prince version 13.6 on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7. And I use this command to produce the pdf file:
prince --javascript demo.html -o output.pdf
Just for reference here is the code for html:
.fn {
float: footnote;
*::footnote-call {
content: prince-script(formatFootnoteCall, counter(footnote));
font-size: 83%;
vertical-align: super;
One morning<span class="fn">First Footnote</span>,
when Gregor Samsa<span class="fn">Second Footnote</span>
woke from troubled dreams, he found himself
transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.
Prince.addScriptFunc('formatFootnoteCall', function (num) {
return num //I'm just returning the pageNumber to display the bug