Is it possible to target specific browsers with different css? The case im facing is that it appears Chrome and Safari dont add additional header/footer information to the page, so I can place content within the @footer without having to worry. However firefox prints its own header and footer (including url, page title and page numbers) which is then cutting off content ive placed in the @footer.
Ideally i would be able to add something like:
to identify the browser, and tailor the page margins accordingly, but neither of these solutions are working. At the moment i am just supporting the worst case, which is making the bottom of the pages on Chrome and Safari look massive. Is this even something i can do?
Is it possible to target specific browsers with different css? The case im facing is that it appears Chrome and Safari dont add additional header/footer information to the page, so I can place content within the @footer without having to worry. However firefox prints its own header and footer (including url, page title and page numbers) which is then cutting off content ive placed in the @footer.
Ideally i would be able to add something like:
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
@supports (-moz-appearance:none) {
to identify the browser, and tailor the page margins accordingly, but neither of these solutions are working. At the moment i am just supporting the worst case, which is making the bottom of the pages on Chrome and Safari look massive. Is this even something i can do?