Forum Bugs

Grid display Order has no effect

When i try to use the CSS values:

display: grid
order: 1 .... n

and try to create a pdf with prince, the lines are not sorted anymore.
It seems like Prince don't support the order values yet.

Tried to reproduce with version 13.5.

Expected result:
The values should be sorted.
  1. index.html0.6 kB
    the index file(download CSS File aswell)
  2. index.pdf17.9 kB
    The Prince result
  3. style.css0.2 kB
Prince does not support CSS grid yet, only flexbox, floats, absolute positioning, tables, and multicol.
We have now released a latest build that includes our first support for CSS grid layout!

Currently grids will not be fragmented across multiple pages and some other features remain to be implemented, such as baseline alignment. Thank you for your patience; grid layout is a significant undertaking that has required considerable effort and this release is still a work in progress with more to come.

We would be interested to hear feedback from anyone using CSS grid layout with Prince. :D
Initial support for CSS grid layout is included in Prince 16 (single page only, no fragmentation yet) and development continues!