I am using Prince 13.5 which I think is the latest version and the svg elements within my html are either not rendering or are only partially rendering.
I have attached the pdf produced and the html/css used to produce it. I see a warning on generation "svg: use: @xlink :href required." but all my svgs have an xlink defined so far as I can see.
For context the svgs are generated by mathjax on the html page before we feed this into prince.
Any help on why these are not rendering?
I have attached the pdf produced and the html/css used to produce it. I see a warning on generation "svg: use: @xlink :href required." but all my svgs have an xlink defined so far as I can see.
For context the svgs are generated by mathjax on the html page before we feed this into prince.
Any help on why these are not rendering?