Forum Bugs

Memory usage in Control mode


Our Java application starts up a Prince process (v13.5) in control mode and sends it job/dat/pdf chunks in order to convert several HTML + CSS + Javascript files into a single PDF.

We have noticed that the memory claimed by Prince while in control mode is not freed after end-chunks are sent. Memory usage continues to grow until the Prince process has consumed about 1-2GB of RAM.

Is this expected behavior? Is there configuration we can change in order to let Prince free memory it no longer needs? Can we somehow control the amount of RAM reserved for processing?


EDIT: When pushed further, RAM consumption goes up to 4GB after which the Prince process crashes. On a machine with more RAM available, Prince manages to complete its job, claiming up to 5.1GB of RAM. Our output is a concatenation of 1000 times the same 30 page document.

EDIT 2: When we keep running prince in control mode, even after our big output is generated, RAM is not freed. Subsequent HTML to PDF conversions consume more and more RAM until the system can no longer give Prince any more memory and it crashes.

Edited by struijenid

We will investigate the memory usage situation for this extremely large document.

In the meantime you may wish to simply restart the control process for each job, the overhead of doing so is measured in milliseconds which should not be a problem for jobs of this size.
Hi mikeday,

Thanks for your response. For the record: we are fine with a large document requiring a large amount of RAM in order to complete. What we are surprised about is that even after said large document is generated, the Prince process keeps holding on to memory.

We expected that memory to be freed once an end-chunk is sent...

Kind regards

Edited by struijenid

Yes, we would expect that too! However even if the process holds on to the "high watermark" of memory that it has allocated for the largest document processed so far, the memory usage is not supposed to grow indefinitely with subsequent smaller documents, that is definitely something we would like to eliminate.
May I ask which operating system you are using and which Prince version you have installed? Also do your test documents include any bitmap images or SVG?
I have reproduced this on Ubuntu 18.04, Windows Server 2019 and on Windows 10.

I have attached the HTML to this message for your reference.

EDIT: Forgot to attach the images
Second image that is used is too large to upload on this forum. See
  1. 4037e0ee-6b7c-442f-95cf-9d0885ebe80b.html42.2 kB
  2. ocean-creatures-size-comparison.jpg3.1 MB

Edited by struijenid

Thank you, so you were concatenating this document many times to produce once enormous HTML that you were feeding to Prince, or were you running Prince with many copies of this input document and letting Prince do the concatenation?
Indeed, we concatenate that HTML 1000 times into a single big HTML file, let's say 1000repeats.html. Afterwards we try to render a small HTML 1000 times separately. This small html also attached - sorry should have thought of this before.

In other words, we sent chunks as shown below:
<job-json to 1000repeats.html>

<job-json to small.html‎>
<job-json to small.html‎>
<repeat this job a total of 1000 times>


We notice some memory is being freed, but not nearly as much as we were hoping for. Running the following chunk sequence eventually lets our machine run out of RAM too:
<job-json to 1000repeats.html>

<job-json to 1000repeats.html>

<job-json to 1000repeats.html>

<run several times and OOM occurs>
  1. small.html5.5 kB
Thanks, we will investigate this issue.
Uploaded references to the large images we used
We are still investigating ways of working around this issue, complicated by the fact that returning memory to the operating system can cause fragmentation issues on Linux that may also cause problems.

In the meantime I think it would be best to restart the Prince control process after large jobs (for example by calling stop() and then start() in the Java wrapper) as this will guarantee that memory usage is controlled and adds very little overhead, in fact it may even be faster for very large documents.

(The main reason for having one persistent process was to reduce overhead when converting large numbers of very small documents, such as single page invoices, as in that situation the startup overhead could be significant enough to matter).
Thank you for the status update. Given the use case, guaranteeing contiguity of the address space does indeed seem far from trivial :)

Our application renders a mixture of large numbers of small PDFs and low numbers of large PDFs. With no way of predicting which kind of request will be next, a few weeks ago, we have implemented the workaround you suggested.

As expected, the performance hit we took was much more noticeable when rendering 1000s of small PDFs compared to rendering a few large PDFs (worst case roughly 20-25% slower). To us this is acceptable for the time being, however we continue to look forward to the fix!
We noticed growing memory usage even when converting the same 11 KiB input file over and over again. I'm attaching
  • a Dockerfile (includes download of the input file),
  • a shell script,
  • a Java program which uses PrinceControl,
  • and resulting memory sizes of 100000 conversions (docker run --rm prince-test ./prince-test sample-page.html 100000). The script output was converted to CSV with another script not attached here.

I'm no expert in interpreting those numbers taken from /proc/$pid/status. I read that VmSize is quite misleading. But overall, this looks suspicious to me.

BTW, the reason why we stumbled upon memory usage was this: Using a Spring Boot service with 1000 Undertow worker threads and a pool of 750 PrinceControls, we started a load test of 1000 (via GNU parallel) curl requests (each doing the same three sequential PrinceControl.converts). This succeeded in 144 seconds. Repeating the same 1000 requests did not finish, instead leading to vast memory usage and near 100% CPU usage by kswapd0.
  1. PrinceTest.java1.2 kB
    PrinceControl caller
  2. prince-test0.7 kB
    bash script
  3. prince-test.docker1.0 kB
  4. prince-test_20200828T112018.csv27.0 kB
    results with 100K conversions
Thank you, we will investigate.
Today we have released a new latest build that should reduce memory retention for the --control interface by fixing various memory leaks and using a new thread pool, please let us know how it goes!
I finally took the time to test latest build prince_20201029-1_debian9_amd64.deb, and it looks promising. Can we please get an official release with these fixes?
They will be included in Prince 13.6 and Prince 14, but the latest builds are already usable.
Prince 13.6 is out now and includes fixes for the memory leaks. :)
Thanks! We have updated to 13.6 just now.
Hi Mike,

13.6 is a significant improvement over 13.5: memory leaks were reduced by up to 50% in some cases. However, we still see some memory leaks. I used the same HTML as the one I posted earlier for my tests.

Kind regards.

Edited by struijenid

Would you be able to check this with the latest build? (Soon to be Prince 14).
The latest build has indeed improved the results. In fact I cannot detect any memory leaks using the Docker reproduce case that ChristophS submitted here.

Our application may call Prince slightly differently. We still see that something is leaking memory, although it is possible that the leak is caused by something else. We will take a closer look at things on our side. If we find a reproduce case or if we find the cause of the leak is not related to Prince, I will get back to you!
Hi Mike,

After over a year, I looked into this issue once again using the latest build as I am still receiving occasional complaints. My tests indicate that this issue is not entirely resolved yet, although it is significantly harder to detect now.

Please find attached that I made using the latest PrinceXML Java Wrapper (I ran with JDK8). Inside of said zip are 2 reproduce cases as well as the HTML document I used for my tests:
- PrinceTestManySmall reads an HTML InputStream once and converts it into a single page PDF as many times as was requested by the user. After converting 100k documents with the same PrinceControl instance, I observe 25.7 MB of RAM is being retained. When run ~400k times, I observe 62.9MB of RAM is being retained. The trend is definitely upwards.
- PrinceTest reads an HTML InputStream as many times as requested by the user and concatenates them all into one single large PDF output. When one 20k page document is generated, I observe 4.1 GB of RAM is being retained after conversion. When generating an additional three documents of 20k pages are converted with the same Prince instance, I observe 4.5 GB of RAM is being retained by the Prince process. The trend here is upwards as well.

The fact that RAM is never fully cleared after a successful conversion is the most clear when running successive PrinceTests. Note that both tests will prompt you to hit any key to rerun with the same PrinceControl. In one very long test run (15 successive runs of 100k page documents), my machine eventually ran out of memory. At that point PrinceControl crashed, as you may expect.

For smaller documents or on machines that are rebooted fairly frequently, the RAM retention is less of a problem. However, as you can see memory retention can quickly become problematic for large documents as well as for setups that see a high volume of conversions.

When you inspect the code, you will notice I access PrinceControl slightly differently from the way the wrapper does, see ``. CustomPrince takes a list of InputStreams and manually sends dat-Chunks to Prince in order to generate a PDF, rather than storing the file on disk first and calling the `convert(List<String> inputPaths, OutputStream output)` method or rather than calling `add(byte[] resource)`.

Is this an issue with the way I interact with Prince, or am I onto a memory leak in Prince?

FYI: I am running on Ubuntu 18.04 with the latest PrinceXML build and JDK8. Both tests takes 2 parameters:
- /path/to/input.html
- in the case of PrinceTest: the number of pages each single document should contain. In the case of PrinceTestManySmall the amount of single page PDFs that should be generated

Kind regards.
  1. reproducecases.zip60.9 kB
Thanks for the test case.

A few notes for now:
  • memory management and GC are tricky at the best of times, but Prince uses a conservative GC which means a random word in memory can cause an unnecessary memory to be retained (until the word is eventually overwritten, which won't happen while the program is idle). It makes it very tricky to extrapolate a trend.
  • due to fragmentation, there will always be some amount of memory that cannot be returned to the OS. This can vary between runs.
  • restarting the Prince process is enough to reclaim the memory that has been allocated to it, there is no need to reboot the machine
  • passing input documents to Prince via dat chunks will require more memory than passing the input via files
Having said that, there are a couple of improvements we should be able to make without too much fuss.
Hi, I still get questions about this from time to time. Have any changes been made regarding this issue in Prince 15?

Kind regards.
There were improvements made in Prince 15, yes.