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How to output PDF in Version 1.4 with transparency?

I work for a large print company and we are using prince version 11 for html to pdf conversion.
Due a server upgrade we need to upgrade the prince version too (Prince version 13).

The Problem:

The new prince version creates pdf version 1.5 by default, but the printing machines can only
handle pdf versions up to 1.4.

I can use a specific pdf profile (like PDF/1-1b) to force PDF Version 1.4, but the created pdf have
no transparency.

Is there any way to create PDF files with PDF v1.4, including transparency with the new Prince version
(version 13)?

I am grateful for every answer!
You can pass --no-object-streams to disable this PDF 1.5 feature that is enabled by default, however you must also avoid other PDF 1.5 features, like 16-bit images and some PDF print and paper settings.
I missed this part in the documentation.
Thank you for your reply!