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Color Conversion and Output Intent

I understand how the prince-pdf-color-conversion and prince-pdf-output-intent can work together to not only assign a color space to the PDF but also assist in the conversion of images and colors from one color space to another.

However, when a conversion between two color spaces takes place in tools like Photoshop we are normally offered a choice of rendering Intent. For output conversions all the intents, Perceptual, Relative Colorimetric, Absolute Colorimetric and Saturation are all available within the process and will affect the result.

Our printers are asking that during our conversion we set our color intent for "perceptual." How is Prince going about these conversions? Are additional options available to us?
Currently any color conversion done by Prince uses relative colorimetric rendering intent with black point compensation. There aren't any options to select the rendering intent yet.
Are there plans to provide these type of options? Also what type of Color Management Module (CMM) is Prince using, Adobe ACE, Microsoft ICM, Apple ColorSynch or ?
Yes, we will look into it next year. Prince uses lcms2.
Today we have released Prince 13.2 with support for specifying the rendering intent for the prince-pdf-color-conversion property when used on the @prince-pdf rule, for example:
@prince-pdf {
    prince-pdf-color-conversion: output-intent perceptual
Awesome! Thanks for also keeping the documentation up to date.