I was able to reproduce even on a super simple set of html. Run the latest snapshot of Prince on this will result in two pages being generated instead of only one. This is for some non-US customers that are converting mm into inches since we don't support them specifying the sizes in mm natively.
I can upload some more complex html that has images and crap on the page + page breaks between multiple pages, but figured this should be good enough since it causes it without any extra complications. This is running on the Ubunutu 16.04 download for the prince-20191023 snapshot.
<!DOCTYPE html><html class="linux chrome chrome79 webkit webkit5"><head><style>@page { margin: 0px; prince-jpeg-quality: 100%;}@page dim85039x119291 { size: 8.50394in 11.92912in; }div.dim85039x119291 { page: dim85039x119291 }@prince-pdf {prince-filter-resolution: 400dpi}</style></head>
<body class="productionOutput"><div class="contentProduction dim85039x119291" style="width: 816.378px; height: 1145.2px;"></div></body></html>
I can upload some more complex html that has images and crap on the page + page breaks between multiple pages, but figured this should be good enough since it causes it without any extra complications. This is running on the Ubunutu 16.04 download for the prince-20191023 snapshot.
Edited by daneren2005