Forum Bugs

Hyperlink into footnote has removed

Hi guys,

The hyperlinks into my footnotes are removed, is it normal?

Can you give an example of the markup you are using?
html part :

       A sentence with a footnote <span class='footnote'>footnote with <a href="">link</a>

css part :
    @page main {
        @footnotes {
            margin-top: 15px;
            border-top: solid black thin;
            padding-top: 8pt;
        @bottom {
            content: counter(page);
        @bottom-left {
            content: flow(flow-prince-footer)
    /* end main */

    /* footnote */
    .footnote {
        float: footnote;
        font-size: 80%;
        font-weight: normal !important;
    .footnote::footnote-call {
        content: none;
        font-size:8px !important; }
    .footnote::footnote-marker { content: none }
    /* end of footnote */

    /* footer */
    #prince-footer { flow: static(flow-prince-footer, start); }

With this example, the footnote " footnote with link" will be dispayed at the bottom, but without link

Edited by greg

This example works for me if I change the link to "", otherwise it points to a local file called "".