Forum How do I...?

Start document on an arbitrary page number

I would like my document to start on page number 3. I am trying the following CSS:

  counter-reset: page 3;
@page {
  counter-increment: page;
    content: counter(page);
    content: counter(page);

This does not work. However, if I apply counter-reset to the body, and counter-increment to an arbitrary html element (like paragraphs), it does work as expected (though not as desired, obviously). I've also tried with a custom counter like mypage, with the same failure.

What am I missing?
You will need to reset the page counter on the body or root element, but you should not need to manually increment it, that should happen automatically. :)
Yes! That worked, thank you.

If I wanted to use a custom counter (not page) there would not be a way to increment it under @page, it would need to be incremented on an html element, is that right?

Edited by norabrowndesign

Yes that is correct, other counters cannot be incremented on @page rules at this time.
After the page break is inserted, the custom header and footer style cannot be set. What should I do?
Please post an example of your HTML and CSS in a new forum thread.