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How do I convert a Korean character between Latins?


I have an issue with converting HTML to PDF if I have a Korean character in between Latins.

<p>It happens.ᅠ Here.</p>

There are a dot, Halfwidth Hangul Filler( and space in between "happensᅠ" and "Here"

I'm running Prince 12.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 with UnBatang font installed (Baekmuk package installed too).
fc-list UnBatang
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/unfonts-core/UnBatang.ttf: UnBatang,은 바탕:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/unfonts-core/UnBatangBold.ttf: UnBatang,은 바탕:style=Bold

Prince runs in verbose mode with above HTML shows:
prince -v problem.html -o problem.pdf
prince: loading document: /usr/lib/prince/license/license.dat
prince: Loading document...
prince: loading HTML5 input: problem.html
prince: loading document: problem.html
prince: Applying style sheets...
prince: Preparing document...
prince: Converting document...
prince: used font: Times New Roman, Regular
prince: page 1: warning: no font for Korean character U+FFA0, fallback to '?'
prince: Finished: success

Somehow Prince missing Korean fonts.

Could you advise me what should I do make prince convert that character properly?
The fonts are there, and should pick up the other Korean characters, but it seems that the fonts do not have a glyph for U+FFA0.

What about changing it to U+3164, the non-fullwidth filler character, which is supported? You could use the prince-text-replace CSS property for this, or JavaScript.