I have an issue with converting HTML to PDF if I have a Korean character in between Latins.
There are a dot, Halfwidth Hangul Filler(https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+FFA0) and space in between "happensᅠ" and "Here"
I'm running Prince 12.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 with UnBatang font installed (Baekmuk package installed too).
Prince runs in verbose mode with above HTML shows:
Somehow Prince missing Korean fonts.
Could you advise me what should I do make prince convert that character properly?
I have an issue with converting HTML to PDF if I have a Korean character in between Latins.
<p>It happens.ᅠ Here.</p>
There are a dot, Halfwidth Hangul Filler(https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+FFA0) and space in between "happensᅠ" and "Here"
I'm running Prince 12.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 with UnBatang font installed (Baekmuk package installed too).
fc-list UnBatang
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/unfonts-core/UnBatang.ttf: UnBatang,은 바탕:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/unfonts-core/UnBatangBold.ttf: UnBatang,은 바탕:style=Bold
Prince runs in verbose mode with above HTML shows:
prince -v problem.html -o problem.pdf
prince: loading document: /usr/lib/prince/license/license.dat
prince: Loading document...
prince: loading HTML5 input: problem.html
prince: loading document: problem.html
prince: Applying style sheets...
prince: Preparing document...
prince: Converting document...
prince: used font: Times New Roman, Regular
prince: page 1: warning: no font for Korean character U+FFA0, fallback to '?'
prince: Finished: success
Somehow Prince missing Korean fonts.
Could you advise me what should I do make prince convert that character properly?