Forum Bugs

tfoot top border shows when tfoot itself isn't visible on that page

lease see the attached html and pdf. The pdf was created using Prince 12.5.

The problem is that the top border of the tfoot is shown when no other part of the tfoot is shown. Since the tfoot display is set to table-row-group it is expected that it would show only once at the end of the table. Though the content of the tfoot and the bottom border only appear once at the end of the table the top border shows at the end of each page. It has been colored red (#F00C0C) to make it stand out.

Strangely this problem persists even if an additional tbody is used instead of a tfoot.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
  1. sample.html55.1 kB
  2. sample.pdf71.3 kB
I'm very interested in Prince's stance on this. My thought is this is a bug since the tfoot isn't being shown on the page, why would part of it's border appear?

Please let us know if you at least agree that this is a problem and should be fixed or if we're just doing something wrong here.

If the table has collapsed borders then page breaking can get quite complicated, we will take a look.
Since the tfoot element has "display: table-row-group" applied it will behave the same as tbody. The table borders will collapse before the table is broken across pages, so the bottom border of the previous tbody will merge with the top border of the next tbody, then this border is repeated at the page break.

You can avoid this behaviour by applying "box-decoration-break: slice" to the table, so that the borders will not be repeated at the page break.
That resolved the issue. Thanks again for taking a look, @mikeday.