Forum Bugs

Anchor Tags Not Working for Jump links


I am having an issue with the anchor tags.

I have two examples.

The first example is a proof of concept of getting it to link a phrase on page 1 to jump to page 2. The first example is working.

The second example is actual data following through my C# functions to create the full pdf. I manage two C# string variables which are a HTML and JS holding variable. I get all the HTML and JS for the pdf and load these variables. Right before passing the html into the prince conversion tool I append the js to bottom of the HTML. This example is not working and I can not figure out why.

I've tried copying both strings into Notepad++ to compare and contrast. There is nothing sticking out to me that would cause the Anchor tags to fail.

I can provide the two string examples to you. I would prefer to share those via email.

Let me know how you want to move forward.

Thank you,
You can email me ( the examples.
Hi Mike,

I wanted to reach out and let you know that I found the error. I was due to an external process to add page numbers post PDF generation. When removing that, the anchor tags work properly.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I'm glad to hear it! Sorry I was slow getting to help with this one, it has been a hectic week.