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Prince and Flash (.swf)


Newbie to Prince here.

I have successfully tested Prince to convert my web files to really nice CSS'd pdf documents...except for one element.

Our web pages have Flash Movies in them ( .swf files ). The return from Princexml just shows a grey box with the word 'Flash' in text in the middle.

From what I understand, Prince cannot handle .swf files so it returns that object. What I would like to know is how can I locate that object and customize it so that it better suits our design requirments for this project.

In essence, I would like to customize each instance of a Flash Movie with screen capture of the Flash Movie and a URL to the actual Movie on the site.

I am assuming it is internal to Prince and is styled by CSS?

Any thoughts?


The styling of flash objects is specified by CSS rules in the default XHTML style sheets located in lib/prince/style or Prince\engine\style on Windows. The current rule looks like this:
embed[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"] {
    display: table-cell;
    width: attr(width, px);
    height: attr(height, px);
    content: "Flash";
    background: #f0f0f0;
    color: black;
    font: bold 12px sans-serif;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: middle

You can replace that with whatever you like, or you can just override it with different rules in your own style sheets.
I got it.

We are thinking about writing a script to handle this internally per document as some documents may have multiple Flash files in them and we would like to add custom links and images to each one- possibly by tagging embed IDs

Any thoughts on that one?

Thanks again for your quick response.

Some of this could be done with CSS:
embed#id1 { content: url(images/thumbnail1.jpg) }
embed#id2 { content: url(images/thumbnail2.jpg) }

If you want to do more complicated transformations of the content you could always use XSLT, or Perl, or whatever templating language you have handy.
Alternatively, you can use correct <object> elements and write your own custom CSS that displays the appropriate fallback. It has the added benefit of showing fallback content to non-Flash capable users, too.