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Remove running header in particular page

I need to remove the running header of book's title page, copyright page and all blank pages. How do i do it?
You can use a named page for these elements, for example:
@page intro {
    @top { content: none }

.title, .copyright { page: intro }

You can also use @page:blank to select and style blank pages inserted by page-break-before: left/right.
The below worked perfectly:

@page:first {
@bottom-left { content: normal; }
@bottom-right { content: normal; }

@page:blank {
@bottom-left { content: normal; }
@bottom-right { content: normal; }
div.copyright {
page: copyright;
break-before: right;
prince-page-group: start;
@page:copyright {
@bottom-left { content: normal; }
@bottom-right { content: normal; }