When using a custom function to format the footnote-marker, if the footnotes are on the same line, the footnote-marker number will always show the last footnote number in that line. I have created a html page that can be used to duplicate the bug.
I'm using Prince version 12.5 on MacOS Mojave 10.14.5 and Just for reference here is the code for html:
I'm using Prince version 12.5 on MacOS Mojave 10.14.5 and Just for reference here is the code for html:
.fn {
float: footnote;
*::footnote-marker {
content: prince-script(formatPageNumber, counter(footnote)) '. ';
One morning<span class="fn">First Footnote</span>,
when Gregor Samsa<span class="fn">Second Footnote</span>
woke from troubled dreams, he found himself
transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.
Prince.addScriptFunc('formatPageNumber', formatPageNumber)
function formatPageNumber(pageNumber) {
return pageNumber //I'm just returning the pageNumber to display the bug
Edited by arash