Forum Bugs

I suspect that the ordinary dash is interpreted as a non-breaking hyphen.

If I have a sentence with several dashes between the words (typical in the German language) then I get a lot of white space. After removing the dashes hyphenation is perfect. So I start to suspect that the dashes prevent hyphenation of the whole word combination.

The blue background color in the printscreen is because I selected the text in the pdf to highlight the "holes" in the section with the dahes. The other section contains the same words, but the dashes removed
  1. zz.JPG95.4 kB

Edited by thomasdumm

This is the text to test:

Die Koronarangiografie ist in der Diagnostik der koronaren Herzkrankheit (KHK) Gold-Standard. Daneben gibt es mehrere etablierte, nicht-invasive Untersuchungsmethoden. Dazu gehören die Fahr­rad-Ergometrie, Echokardiografie (Echo), Myokard-Perfusion-Szintigrafie (MPS), Computertomografie (CT) und die kardiale Magnetresonanztomografie (MRI).
Can you post the html behind the text? how do you create it?
While putting together demo data, I found out what is causing the "holes" in the third line. I had set

hyphenate-lines: 2

which was correctly preventing the hyphenation in the third line. So my mistake :-)