I've got this error:
I don't want to install fonts in the entire system, but i have directory with these fonts.
So, here is the question - can i use not system fonts? I mean, something like this:
> prince --debug index.htm -o file.pdf
prince: debug: font request: serif
prince: debug: font scan: serif
prince: debug: font scan: serif, 0 matches
prince: debug: font request: Fira-Mono, monospace
prince: debug: font scan: monospace
prince: debug: font scan: monospace, 0 matches
prince: debug: font request: Charter-Racket, serif
prince: debug: font request: bold Cooper-Hewitt
prince: internal error: no available fonts
I don't want to install fonts in the entire system, but i have directory with these fonts.
So, here is the question - can i use not system fonts? I mean, something like this:
> prince --fonts-dir my-fonts -o f.pdf index.html
Edited by asdf