In HTML forms, name and ID are entirely independent (although their descriptions as id=name and name=cdata(control name) can be confusing), and can share the same value. This is often done with form elements (as a just-in-case for browsers, and ease of use for the developer). Prince treats these as an error even though it is valid:
Prince displays an error:
prince: error: ID waystohear already defined
(Using 6.0r1 on windows XP)
<p><label for="waystohear">How did you hear about us:
<select name="waystohear" id="waystohear" size="3" multiple>
<option value="search" selected>Search engine</option>
<option value="friend">Word of mouth</option>
<option value="advert">Ads</option>
Prince displays an error:
prince: error: ID waystohear already defined
(Using 6.0r1 on windows XP)